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The Level of Development (LOD) is a reference that allows specialists in the AEC Industry to specify and articulate through a high level of clarity the content and reliability of Building Information Models (BIMs) at various stages in the design and construction process.

  • LOD: 100 (Pre-Design)

Represents a conceptual model where overall building mass is indicative of area, height, volume, location and orientation that may be 3D modeled or represented by other data.


  • LOD: 200 (Schematic Design)

Model is represented as a generic system, object or assembly with approximate quantities, size, shape, location and orientation. Here non graphic information may also be attached to the model.


  • LOD: 300 (Design Development)

Accurate modeling and shop drawings where elements are defined with specific assemblies, precise quantity, size, shape, location and orientation. Here too we can attach non- geometric information to the model elements.


  • LOD 350 (Construction Documents)

Includes model detail and element that represent how building elements interface with various systems and other building elements with graphics and written definitions.


  • LOD 400: (Construction Stage)

Model elements are modeled as specific system, object or assemblies, with complete fabrication, assembly, and detailing information in addition to precise quantity, size, shape, location and orientation. Non- geometric information to the model elements can also be attached.


  • LOD: 500 (As-Built)

Elements are modeled as constructed assemblies for Maintenance and operations. Non-geometric information may be attached to modeled elements.


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